Recently the internet has been shaken by the incident of the death of a dog named Canon in Pulau Panjang, Pulau Banyak District, Aceh. The incident was caught up last week on 19 October 2021 and the video has gone viral ever since, showing several Satpol PP surrounded Canon while one of the men was poking Canon. Canon’s owner has shared their grief on their Instagram account, which moved thousands of people to sympathize and hold accountable for Satpol PP Aceh’s actions for Canon’s justice.
It all started when the government wishes to make Aceh a ‘halal’ tourism destination, where according to a formal letter addressed by Camat Pulau Banyak, there are four prohibitions from having dogs and pigs at tourist sites, selling or serving liquor, employing commercial sex workers, prostitution or lewd behaviors, and things that do not apply to the local wisdom. Authorities have also claimed that the presence of the dog disturbs the visiting tourists and makes them hesitate to explore the island.
By the looks of the video, it is clear that one of the Satpol PP Aceh personnel was disturbing by poking and shoving Canon with a split-end stick while Canon was bothered by it and had barked for help a few times. According to the Instagram @rosayeoh, Canon was taken away with a small basket where eventually he had difficulty breathing and died.
The Head of Bidang Ketentraman dan Ketertiban Hubungan Antar Lembaga Dinas Satpol PP dan WH Aceh Singkil, Abdullah Z has denied the allegation that one of his men is responsible for the killing of Canon. He claimed that the man who held the wood was to subdue and to protect himself since he claimed Canon was trying to attack him and not to hit Canon. Canon had to be duct tape because it kept struggling. Abdullah said, even though the basket was taped, the basket still had a hole to breathe and Canon was given water as well.
However, his owner shared on their Instagram as well that Canon was a sweet dog, “Canon is friendly with everyone, except the people who disturb him” they mentioned. By the looks of it, it seems the abusers were not held accountable as they claimed to follow protocols and did nothing wrong.
But they should not have gotten away and been justified while the evidence is clear as day. A lot of individuals, activists, and institutions are showing their support for Canon as they want the related party to take responsibility and take this matter to the law.